Visual identity and event materials for Johanna Prizes, a new performing arts prize created by the Metcalf Foundation to honour philanthropist Johanna Metcalf. We commissioned lettering artist Jessica Hische to reinterpret Johanna’s signature into a beautiful and functional wordmark. To differentiate between the winners and protégés, we worked with portrait photographer Luis Mora to dramatically capture the winners and protégés in striking black and white. We also asked a long-time studio collaborator Paul Weeks to photograph the vases awarded to each winner.
Johanna Prizes
Client Metcalf Foundation
Designed and Art Directed with Sara Wong
at The Office of Gilbert Li
Creative Director Gilbert Li
Design Konor Abrahams
Signature Lettering Jessica Hische
Portraits Luis Mora
Still Life Photography Paul Weeks
Animation Trevor Corrigan
Portfolio Photography Paul Weeks
Printing Andora Graphics
Typeset using Sainte Colombe, Lyon Text and Fakt Pro